Yesterday, the weather was fantastic. It was clear and sunny, the high was around 74º F. This is a nice change from the recent high temps of less than 50º F 🙁
Because the weather was so good, when I got home from work, I promptly put on my ‘work clothes’ and headed out onto the roof of the outbuilding (shop). Some months ago, a strong wind came up and tore off a good chunk of the rolled on asphalt roofing material. I spent a good day repairing that mess, but in the process I left some cracks/holes/gaps in the roofing material (along with some nail/staple holes). I noticed that some water intrusion was happening when it rained, so I climbed back up there to patch those imperfections.
Some of you may know that I dislike getting onto roofs. It’s not the height so much as it is transitioning from my ladder onto the roof, and transitioning back from the roof onto my ladder.
I solved this issue by ‘fixing’ the ladder to the side of the building with some scrap wood blocks and screws. This holds it firmly in place as I transition, and makes me a lot more comfortable getting up there.
Anyhow, I spread about a half paint-can container’s worth of roof patching material (tar like stuff). That oughta hold it (fingers crossed).
On another note, I also finished insulating and cladding the walls in the shop with OSB (oriented stranded board). It seems much more usable now.
And I also built 2 sets of 4 tiered shelves in there using the same material (and 2×4 lumber). The shelves are 8′ wide by 2′ deep and a shade over 8′ tall. They are VERY sturdy and I quickly filled them up with boxes and containers of junk we’ve been stashing in the shop since we moved to Decatur. Next step out in the shop is to add dust collection for my many woodworking tools so I don’t get the black lung.
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